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340b Pharmacy
Recent Activity
Interesting, thanks for keeping us updated.
Fresno Jury Awards Fired Walgreens Pharmacist $1.2 Million
A Fresno federal court jury on Friday awarded a fired Walgreens pharmacist $1.24 million after he claimed his allegations of Medicare billing fraud led to his firing. Jurors awarded Sami Mitri – who was fired in January 2010 after working more than 13 years for the company in various jobs – $88,...
Hopefully they can open and get this resource to the people of this area, please keep us updated with further information.
Pharmacy in the Lower Nine (finally)? It Could Happen
Site of the proposed new CVS pharmacy In "CVS seeks a tax break to open in Lower 9th Ward", looks at the possibility of a major chain pharmacy to open in the Lower Ninth Ward at 5000 N Claiborne Ave.: "Developers of a planned CVS Pharmacy in the Lower 9th Ward are asking for a prope...
Thanks so much for sharing!
The Checkout: Healthcare and Pharmacy Edition
Healthcare is a continuing topic of interest among shoppers and consumers, especially considering the changing healthcare environment and the current increased focus from consumers on living an overall healthy lifestyle. The Checkout: Healthcare and Pharmacy Edition takes a look at what shoppers...
Thank so much for letting us know about this platform! Please keep up updated on this, I'd love to see where it goes.
New platform can link rural pharmacies to off-site pharmacists
A secure platform has been designed by startup TelePharm to link pharmacies in rural locations to pharmacists in central locations. The platform eliminates a rural pharmacy's need for a full-time pharmacist, as its videoconferencing feature allows an off-site pharmacist to instantly check and ...
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Nov 25, 2015
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