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Amen to that Charles!
Durbin to GOP: Get Cruz under control
Texas U.S. Senator Ted Cruz needs to be controlled, IL U.S. Senator Dick Durbin says CHICAGO - U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), whose party was soundly rebuked by the nation's voters in November, will no longer be calling directional shots for the U.S. Senate when the new session starts in Jan...
Those liberal judges would have been appointed anyway during this administration with all the weak willed, Lilly livered, cowardly RINOS we have. It's kinda weird you'd set that on Cruz.
Durbin to GOP: Get Cruz under control
Texas U.S. Senator Ted Cruz needs to be controlled, IL U.S. Senator Dick Durbin says CHICAGO - U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), whose party was soundly rebuked by the nation's voters in November, will no longer be calling directional shots for the U.S. Senate when the new session starts in Jan...
I hope you're being facetious. Either that or you can't possibly understand what has been going on in Congress, especially in the senate. If that's the case, open your eyes man!
Durbin to GOP: Get Cruz under control
Texas U.S. Senator Ted Cruz needs to be controlled, IL U.S. Senator Dick Durbin says CHICAGO - U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), whose party was soundly rebuked by the nation's voters in November, will no longer be calling directional shots for the U.S. Senate when the new session starts in Jan...
Amen Spense. Would that all our elected officials remember they work for us. That should be their "agenda".
Durbin to GOP: Get Cruz under control
Texas U.S. Senator Ted Cruz needs to be controlled, IL U.S. Senator Dick Durbin says CHICAGO - U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), whose party was soundly rebuked by the nation's voters in November, will no longer be calling directional shots for the U.S. Senate when the new session starts in Jan...
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Dec 22, 2015
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