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Hi Tim,
Two questions:
You said that when mentioning ideas from the same researcher repeatedly in a paragraph, there are different ways to make clear who the author is without sounding redundant. One of the things you suggested is: "You can also use “he” or “she,” when you know the gender of the author." Why didn't you need to include the year like every other in-text citation demands?
Also, can I use any method I want, in order to show that it is the same author throughout the paragraph? Here is an example:
"In another article, Burg et al. states that there are three different types of Mosaic Plagiarism (as cited in Konstantinidis, Theodosiadou, & Pappos, 2013). The first one mentioned is Verbatim Plagiarism. This occurs when the student copies words from a source, but does not put quotation marks around these words. My understanding is that, because they do not include quotation marks, it misleadingly appears that they are the ones who put the effort into producing such a well-formed sentence or paragraph. The next type mentioned is Conceptual Plagiarism. In this case, the student includes concepts from a source but does not include the source for these concepts..." I derived the descriptions of the different types of Mosaic Plagiarism from Konstantinidis et al., but in the middle of these descriptions, I interrupted with my own ideas ("My understanding..."). It is clear that following my interruption ("My understanding.."), I am again citing information from Konstantinidis et al., but I am not sure if APA would be happy with this.
Thanks for your help.
Citing Paraphrased Work in APA Style
by Timothy McAdoo As the Publication Manual notes, citing your sources is imperative: “Whether paraphrasing, quoting an author directly, or describing an idea that influenced your work, you must credit the source” (p. 170). But, we are sometimes asked how a writer can properly and clearly att...
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Jan 12, 2016
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