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Art in Newport
Newport Beach, California
Last survivor of ancient Atlantis (just kidding, there's a few others.)
Interests: [redacted], [expurgated], [censored]
Recent Activity
Merry Christmas to all from rainy Newport. This past year has been as hard as I can remember. Many times I found refuge here. Here's to a Happy New for us all.
Toggle Commented Dec 25, 2021 on Happy Holidays! at JustOneMinute
Packing and preparation are done. Now to load up the car and hit the road. Two-day drive to Newport, to spend Christmas and New Years with the family still there. 30-degree delta in daytime highs. I can deal with that.
Toggle Commented Dec 16, 2021 on Real Men of Genius at JustOneMinute
Many did feel the same
Toggle Commented Dec 14, 2021 on Real Men of Genius at JustOneMinute
.. freeze dried meal .. Well, if you're going to pick on every little thing.. Seen the Eternals? What did you think?
Toggle Commented Dec 14, 2021 on Real Men of Genius at JustOneMinute
.. motherships .. At least the Visitors were intelligent beings, Narciso. Sane and rational, in their own way. At this point, Newsom and the rest of the prog PTB seem little better than maniacs.
Toggle Commented Dec 14, 2021 on Real Men of Genius at JustOneMinute
.. new mask mandate .. They just suck the joy out of everything
Toggle Commented Dec 14, 2021 on Real Men of Genius at JustOneMinute
I can take the cold if I have to, but really looking forward to two weeks in Newport. Driving out Thursday and Friday.
Toggle Commented Dec 14, 2021 on Real Men of Genius at JustOneMinute
Good morning, Jack. 33 and snowing here in Boise
Toggle Commented Dec 14, 2021 on Real Men of Genius at JustOneMinute
41 and clear in Boise [Art, formerly in Newport]
Toggle Commented Oct 16, 2021 on The Emerging Democrat Debacle at JustOneMinute
Miss Marple - and a left-handed slap at Pence.
Toggle Commented May 5, 2021 on Have You Herd? at JustOneMinute
.. Idaho makes history .. Been quite busy of late, but one of the items on my 'in process' list is a move to Idaho. Have a son and DIL in Boise, as of last December. They give the town and state high marks.
Toggle Commented Apr 30, 2021 on Oh, Yeah, A Speech at JustOneMinute
.. a nice part of Santa Monica .. In the late '50s, all of SaMo, hell, the whole west side, was nice. .. I hear parts of Florida are nice.
Jane, Narciso ...of course :D
Toggle Commented Mar 12, 2021 on Metaphor Alert! at JustOneMinute
Thanks, MM. Was wondering if I had somehow forgotten how to do a simple internet search :/ The number who watched Biden must have been so low that to reveal it would have cast doubt on the election in the minds of some of those currently fooled. And convinced others who were already wondering.
Toggle Commented Mar 12, 2021 on Metaphor Alert! at JustOneMinute
Could not google the ratings for Biden's SOTU speech. Ratings for Trump's SOTU's came up, Biden's personal approval ratings.. nothing about ratings for Thursday's SOTU. Were they that bad? Has anyone seen them?
Toggle Commented Mar 12, 2021 on Metaphor Alert! at JustOneMinute
Effect of the first Pfizer shot was fatigue for a day or so, plus a strange upper arm pain that came and went in about a minute. Getting the second one Wednesday, will see what happens.
Toggle Commented Mar 8, 2021 on Yet Another Cuomo Accuser at JustOneMinute
I had to look it up ... an actual rock! 'Strange new respect' for Ms Kennedy if she opposes this new take of Favreau's, as I hear.
Toggle Commented Mar 8, 2021 on Yet Another Cuomo Accuser at JustOneMinute
Toggle Commented Mar 5, 2021 on Back At It at JustOneMinute
GUS, had one of those. Had to stop it in the middle to get my mind right. Brrr!
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2021 on Sunday at CPAC at JustOneMinute
Thanks, Jane, Narciso.
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2021 on Sunday at CPAC at JustOneMinute
That's great, Matt. So much complicated work, such complex organization, to make these modern systems function..
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2021 on Sunday at CPAC at JustOneMinute
.. Claustrophobia .. I know what you mean, MM. The last part of the training was in a decommissioned sub with a live reactor. People who can't deal with that go to the Carriers.
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2021 on Sunday at CPAC at JustOneMinute
GUS, take heart. There were never more than a few, the shepherds, the guard dogs. As long as we are ready to do our work when the time comes, all will be well. For my granddaughter's part, wherever the Michigan goes, the reactor will be online.
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2021 on Sunday at CPAC at JustOneMinute
Thank you, Miss Marple
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2021 on Sunday at CPAC at JustOneMinute
Personal note My granddaughter had finished the last of her 2 years of training for the Navy, and is a newly-minted 'Machinists Mate - Nuclear'. She just got her orders: for the USS Michigan, Ohio Class submarine, out of Puget Sound. The Michigan is one of the boats modified for cruise missiles and special ops support. It's a great assignment. She is over the moon.
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2021 on Sunday at CPAC at JustOneMinute