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Jonathan Auch
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I have been a large fan of Panasonic Micro 4/3rd cameras. I own both a GX8 and GH4, and use them for professional work. The only thing missing from the GX8 (and GH4, and apparently also the GX80 is proper Auto ISO implementation. The GX8 is particularly puzzling, given it's has a physical EV dial on top of the camera. This dial is useless in manual with Auto ISO on. It literally does nothing. This is a very fluid way of working, especially in quickly changing lighting scenarios. I know many photojournalists and wedding photographers who use Auto ISO in Manual almost exclusively. It has been implemented perfectly in Nikon DSLR's, for about 10 years. Canon a few years later. Fuji got it right, after many iterations, via firmware (for almost all of their legacy models) and their new cameras. Pentax has had it down pat with TaV mode for years. The only serious camera companies who keep refusing, or ignoring this feature, are Olympus and Panasonic. I'd request Panasonic add (for all their newer cameras): -Auto ISO In Manual Exposure Mode with full exposure compensation (Adjusting the ISO when exposure compensation is used in Manual mode). -Ability to set a minimum shutter speed in Aperture Priority mode (With an ability to set a range of Shutter Speeds all the way up to a minimum of 1/750 second) -The ability to use Auto-ISO in manual mode in any Video mode with full exposure compensation. I've created a petition via here:
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Feb 1, 2016