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Alex Wiegmann
Recent Activity
Some time ago we asked you for participation in a study (here or here) that presented professional philosophers and lay people with two moral scenarios. One of them included two options, the other included these two options and four additional options, i.e., six options. Our aim was to investigate whether... Continue reading
Posted Sep 5, 2016 at Experimental Philosophy
Dear colleagues, We would like to invite you to an online experiment on moral decisions. In the experiment, you will be asked to judge about several cases which option the agent in the scenario should choose. You can enter the experiment via the following link: We especially encourage the... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2016 at Experimental Philosophy
In their inspiring paper, Angelo and John Turri (Cognition 2015; Post on this blog) presented empirical evidence for the claim that lying requires falsity (“objective view”). In our paper, we argue that the presented evidence might be consistent with the standard subjective view (not requiring falsity) if conversational pragmatics is... Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2016 at Experimental Philosophy