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David Gunnarsson
Reykjavik, Iceland
I am frequently fanatical about things.
Interests: Family, reading, cooking, management, leadership.
Recent Activity
So I have a teenager...
Actually I have a couple of teenagers and in a few years a will have two more. Fortunately it will only be two teenagers at a time, which I think is just the right amount. The thing that I find most amazing/frustrating/perplexing is the fact that teenagers refuse to take... Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2016 at David's blog
Blogging is hard
Since I just started a daily blog, I'm still trying to find a rhythm - no luck yet. I'm thinking about when to write, what to write about and just actually keeping in mind that I now have a forum for my thoughts. It requires a minor change, but sometimes... Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2016 at David's blog
Since I don't have a college degree I think about education a lot. Society constantly tells me I should have a degree and that my life will infinitely improve once I get one. I have plenty of university coursework, more than necessary for a degree but it's all over the... Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2016 at David's blog
The first step on a long road
I just listened to last week's Tim Ferriss podcast episode and this time it was Seth Godin. I don't know if podcasts can change lives, but this one came pretty close to changing mine. Mr. Godin has so many profound things to say, and one of them was actually that... Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2016 at David's blog
David Gunnarsson is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 13, 2016
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