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I'm just not seeing how reducing the number of contests to monthly promotes what you said about "designers of all skill levels" They may be open to all skill levels, but with fewer winners (since it is once a month), fewer people will get exposure, and fewer people have a chance to win. I'm really disappointed that this seems to leave the core base of Spoonflower users/designers/buyers out of the whole process in a practical sense. For me, participating in weekly contests has really increased my participation and enjoyment of Spoonflower, not to mention more sales, with the added exposure and I haven't even had a top ten entry. The current quantity of contests really helped those of us who aren't what you'd call top tier (and are happy there). How about a big formal monthly contest and then some weekly challenges/mini-contests or something to keep the rest of us interested and involved? Maybe the mini-contests could have a small prize $10 or $20 spoondollars. or even better, maybe a highlighted winning designs section on the website or something? I never really enter for the prize anyway.
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twizzkid is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 26, 2016