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Statistical Analysis for Scheduled Maintenance Optimization - SASMO
Maintenance programs help ensure safe, reliable, and cost‑effective airplane performance. Maintenance of any aircraft should be a predictive one rather than a reactive one. Predictive maintenance is a more advanced form of proactive maintenance, which involves the use of data collection and analysis methods to identify trends. The aim of... Continue reading
Posted Apr 29, 2016 at Acumen Aviation Blog
Importance of Team Work
We all know that aircraft maintenance work and team work goes hand- in -hand coupled with trust in your team. How important it is which I will explain through one of my experiences as a Shift Manager in my previous organization. One of our Airbus A-300 was having a repetitive... Continue reading
Posted Mar 6, 2016 at Acumen Aviation Blog
Purpose and detail on Pre-Buy Evaluation
To purchase of an aircraft or number of aircraft is not an easy task. Very basic steps to purchase an aircraft are given below Step 1: Decision Determine the make & model of the aircraft which meets buyer’s requirements. Determine budget. Step 2: Evaluation Request aircraft specification summary and selling... Continue reading
Posted Mar 6, 2016 at Acumen Aviation Blog
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