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I am a long-time listener (since THoR) and so should have known that you would approach Haiti's history with the excellence you've shown in every other project; I must admit that as person of Haitian descent, I was a bit nervous as to how the land of my ancestors would be handled by you. As I said, I should have known! Thank you for treating Haiti, its people, and its history with the respect it deserves.
I've never cried at the end of a podcast series before - not even THoR - but I did today.
4.19- The History of Haiti
1806-Present. Enjoy. Direct Link: 4.19- The History of Haiti Flag of Kingdom of Haiti: King Henri I: Flag Republic of Haiti: Alexandre Petion: Jean-Pierre Boyer: Lakou Family Plots: Flag Second Empire of Haiti: Emperor Faustin I: Return of Republic of Haiti: Fabre Geffrard: ...
As the descendent of a "Polish-Haitian", I am always gratified when this little nugget of history gets a bit of the limelight.
4.18- Death to the French
After declaring independence, Jean-Jacques Dessalines ordered the extermination of the white French. Direct Link: 4.18- Death to the French
M.J.S. is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 11, 2016
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