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Perfect! Thank you so much for your assistance!
Denise Thomas
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How to Cite Multiple Pages From the Same Website
by Timothy McAdoo Sometimes one's research relies on a very narrow thread of the World Wide Web. What do I mean? We are sometimes asked how to cite multiple web pages from the same website. “Can’t I just cite the entire website?” our efficiency-minded readers ask. If you merely mention a websi...
I used the CDC as a reference multiple times in a paper and referenced each page as you noted above. In my in text citations I just used (CDC, 2015) or whatever date corresponded to the page I used and my professor deducted points for incorrect APA format. How should I have done it instead? Is it appropriate to do say (CDC, page title, date)? to distinguish it in the actual body of the paper?
How to Cite Multiple Pages From the Same Website
by Timothy McAdoo Sometimes one's research relies on a very narrow thread of the World Wide Web. What do I mean? We are sometimes asked how to cite multiple web pages from the same website. “Can’t I just cite the entire website?” our efficiency-minded readers ask. If you merely mention a websi...
Denise is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 12, 2016
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