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So enjoying your photos, Terri, like I was with you and your dog on those lovely footpaths of Devon. (Would love to see them in person sometime!) I read that passage and thought, Who is she talking about? Then I remembered: it was a summary of various peoples talked about in the book. Real societies, real examples of ways to live better in the world. There is no perfect paradise. Or better, paradise is where we make it. With our own breath, our own relationships, our own caring for each other and the rest of the world. "The kingdom of heaven is within you," Jesus said long ago, in a sentence that is just as accurately translated, "The kingdom of heaven is among you." It's here. Now. Wherever we allow it to happen. Wherever we choose differently. Thanks again, Terri.
Toggle Commented Apr 27, 2016 on The law of the living Earth at Myth & Moor
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Apr 27, 2016