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Ruth Binkins
Recent Activity
Ruth Binkins is now following Barbara Rose
Apr 28, 2016
Hi Barb!
This is such an interesting blog post! ABM sounds like something I'd like to learn more about in real life. I work with the alexander technique method and I use both a super slow, super light touch, and a deeper touch when it seems to be what the body needs and wants. Breathing "all the way into" my hands when I touch helps me relax my body.
I want to share with you an interesting video on language and the brain: and the paper:
I look forward to reading your next update!
Warm regards,
Ruth Susanna
Changes since incorporating Anat Baniel Method (ABM) in with our Son-Rise Program, Post 1; Plus I'm catching up on missed classes
Changes since I've started incorporating ABM (Anat Baniel Method) with my Son-Rise Program - and in myself - include: I'm having the urge to apply the super-slow, super-gentle used in ABM to touching my daughter's arm or hand when she's trying to formulate a complex sentence - something she str...
Hi Barb! Thank you for sharing your wonderful blog posts. I want to share my inspiration with you and Anna! His name is Tony, and here he is, along with a bunch of explorers of ever increasing happiness! Your videos are an inspiration to me, in my work with children with or without special needs, and in my never ending work with myself. Here we go, a video from our jam session yesterday! I'm the woman with a violin, a pony tail, a fever, and almost no voice. Enjoy, and may everything that is Prince live on forever with his wonderfulness and genious!
Warm regards,
Ruth Susanna
Prince - respect and love for this amazing artist, now gone
My photo & video tribute to Prince - out of respect and love Thank you for the fun, the inspiration, and the mystery of somehow bringing heaven to earth in the form of music. You had your own channel, so original. I so enjoyed your music. Purple Rain live video embedded below: Prince at h...
Ruth Binkins is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 28, 2016
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