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Jenny Hanson
Recent Activity
Nice Blog! i really love fishing. I have one website
Mille Lacs Ice Fishing
We finally got out Ice House out on Mille Lacs on January 22. We are trying a new spot on a flat this year. Still out of Hunters Point. I spent the better part of the weekend up there after getting the fish house all set up. The ice thickness was 17" where we were at. Not much snow on the i...
Nice Blog! i love fishing and always use okuma baitcasting reels for fishing. for more information please visit:
Ice fishing on Mille Lacs
Mike Westerberg and his friend Jeremy used our fish house on February 8 & 9 and had a great time. Mike caught this big perch - a personal best. Love the facial expression. Guess he was having a great time! Jeremy with his personal best walleye. 24" He said; "what a blast!" They als...
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May 3, 2016
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