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The real story is almost certainly something like: "I happened to be in Richmond anyway for unrelated reasons, and I decided to stop in at the local Dillard's. They said they were out of stock for the thing I wanted on sale in my size. The end"
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First off, I'm absolutely positive the staff and manager were not acting the way the crusty described. Second, I just did a quick check, there are 20 Dillards locations in Ohio, plus another 3 in Indiana and 6 more in Kentucky, so the claim of driving 3 hours just to go to one in VA.. In fact, Short Pump is in Richmond, it's about 450 miles to Columbus, OH, about 600 to Toledo. Just sayin'
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I used to work in for blockbuster. We were absolutely not under any circumstances allowed to confront thieves. In fact, we weren;t even allowed to contact the police until corporate (legal) has first reviewed the security footage, which was inevitably useless. We had 8 cameras, and every single one of them was focused on the cash drawers to see if employees were stealing. You could stand right in front of the register with a gun, you wouldn't even be in the frame, let alone your face. Here's the catch: Corporate policy is that we aren't allowed to stop theft, but we can sure as hell be punished for it. Shrink gets too high: no bonuses for management, hours cut for employees. There was at least one local thief who knew damned well we couldn't do anything. He'd come in at least once a week at walk out with a duffle full of about $1500 in merchandise. We all knew him on sight, we all told him to gtfo, but he knew our hands were tied. Eventually awesome store manager got fired because corporate believed the only way we could have so much theft is if he was in on it. Our prolific thief was eventually stopped after about 3 months and at least 15 grand of goods stolen from us when someone caught him breaking into their house and took off most of his leg with a shotgun. Not gonna lie; those of us at the store threw a celebration when we saw the story in the newspaper.
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Wouldn't surprise me if these same people go to the movie theater a couple days before a film is released and ask to see it anyway.
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Back when I worked in restaurants, we would divide people into 3 categories: Employees, (cool) regulars, and 'real people' The first two you could give a hard time, prank, and just generally fuck around with in good humor. Real people you stayed in professional-mode with. Example: off-duty coworker asks me for a grilled cheese sandwich. I ask him, 'what cheese and bread?'. he says "surprise me" I gave him parmesean on rye.
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Also it's worth noting that under Canadian law you don't necessarily have to get the answer correct, all you have to do is give AN answer.
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Here's a policy I've personally been using for about 5 years now: As a customer, when I see a manager caving to appease a loud obnoxious crusty, I will calmly and politely interrupt and say: "If you break your clearly written and easily understood store policy to keep this customer's business, you will lose mine. And between the two of us, I'm the one who isn't yelling and came here to SPEND money." Twice I have set down a basket full of shopping on the floor in front of the manager and walked out without another word.
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Oh man. I worked in a hotel where the lobby was a big open space with marble flooring. Whenever it rained, we set out a 3 foot high free-standing bright yellow caution wet floor sign. One out of every FOUR people walked into it. We kept track as a game.
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During my years working restaurants, I have twice gotten a concussion due to work-related accidents. both times I had to finish my shift before going to the hospital. The second time I was working at a pizza place and got written up for refusing to drive a delivery while I was seeing double and out of focus. (I wasn't employed as a driver, but the only person in the restaurant at that moment with a driver's license.
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May 4, 2016