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Hen Island Rye NY
One of America’s wealthiest communities has had a dangerous secret lurking in plain sight for decades…
Interests: Less than 500 feet off the shores of Rye, New York, primitive seasonal cottages dot idyllic Hen Island. Owned and operated by Kuder Island Colony Inc, the summer residents of Hen Island still rely on 12th Century methods of collecting and storing untreated mosquito breeding rainwater for domestic use and disposal of their effluent waste into un-permitted sewage pits. These sewage pits are located mere feet from the shoreline of the environmentally sensitive Long Island Sound. For years, Rye’s non-enforcement of federal, state and local health and sanitary laws on Hen Island has been mysteriously enabled by elected officials from both major political parties. Who exactly is being rewarded for this deadly political backroom bargain? That’s so far unknown, but the results became terribly tangible in 2012 when West Nile Virus victim clusters appeared in communities on the mainland adjacent to Hen Island. Heal The Harbor, a local environmental group headed by Hen Island resident Ray Tartaglione has led a multi-year effort to publicize and expose not only his neighbors responsible for these health threats, but the government agencies and elected officials who deny that any dangers exist. Prominent national environmentalists, who find this shocking story of government cover-up and denial all too familiar, join the fight to try and save Hen Island and its neighboring shore communities from the people who control it. HEN ISLAND is a passionate tale that honors the extraordinary power of ordinary people who fight for what they believe in, while shining a light on issues about American Democracy and environmental threats facing our modern world.
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The pot calling the kettle black. Otis and Cohen should both be ashamed to represent themselves as concerned about the Rye community. Two politicians playing politics instead of protecting the health, safety and environmental concerns of Rye residents.
A stain on Rye that will last forever! On this Veterans Day, we remember our friend Bob Schubert. Bob was a World War II U.S. Navy veteran who was disrespected and mistreated by multiple Rye City officials in the last years of his life. #NeverForget
The story of Schubert’s Pond is complexly intertwoven within the story of Hen Island. Both issues exemplify the city of Rye’s failure to uphold it’s environmental, health and safety codes to the detriment of the community and at the expense of real human lives. Over the course of many years, Bob Schubert, a decorated World War II hero, was mistreated by numerous Rye city officials as they sought to silence him in order to protect large political donors and cover up their own undisclosed conflicts of interest. In honor of Bob Schubert and Veterans Day, we offer you a short preview of our upcoming film as it relates to one of Rye’s own members of the Greatest Generation.
Concerned about the safety of our fire fighters or first responders? They are not on Hen Island.
Toggle Commented Mar 12, 2018 on Rye FD: Check Smoke & CO2 Alarms at
A Stain On Rye That Will Last Forever On Memorial Day 2017 let us not forget WWII veteran Robert W. Schubert and the way he was acutely mistreated in the last years of his life by two successive Rye City administrations. Robert William Schubert was a long-time resident of Rye, NY. He was 88 when he passed away at his home. He was a World War II veteran naval commander. During World War II, Bob Schubert was assigned to the LSM-441 of the Pacific Theater. He captained the first non-Red Cross ship into Nagasaki, Japan, after the detonation of the second atomic bomb. He remained in the US Navy for 20 years, retiring as a Commander. Later, he continued his dedicated service as the Commander of the American Legion Post 128. After active duty, Mr. Schubert worked at Columbia University's Nevis Laboratories as a Chief Engineer on the Synchrocyclotron project for the Navy. He joined Watson Laboratories and worked as Chief Mechanical Engineer on the Naval Ordnance Research Computer (NORC), the fastest computer in existence in 1954. Mr. Schubert had several overseas assignments for IBM including Director of Defense and Complex Contracts in Paris, France, and Director of the Maritime Systems Center in Brussels, Belgium, and in Milan, Italy. Although Mr. Schubert was always involved and very well known in Rye he walked into the main political spotlight after the water dried up in his pond as a result of an unpermitted construction project on the upstream neighboring property. This excavation project – begun as a simple secret attempt to save money by working illegally while the city naturalist was on vacation - was allowed to proceed un-remediated due to compromised city hall officials and their undisclosed conflicts of interest with paid influence peddlers serving select members of the political class of Rye. After City Hall refused to enforce its wetlands codes (in an effort to selectively save a Rye political donor $100,000 dollars or more in permitting, environmental consulting and construction fees) Bob Schubert set out determined to require the City to do what it had purposely failed to do from the start - enforce its Wetland and Watercourse Code Chapter 195 and restore the historic wetlands on his Forest Avenue property. In February of 2009 in an effort to avoid municipal embarrassment and an attempt to silence Bob Schubert, Senior Rye City administrators attempted to have Bob committed to the psychiatric unit of the Westchester County Medical Center. But the City’s attempt failed badly and baldly – resulting in the firing of the then city manager – and failing to deter or silence Bob Schubert. The second round of attempts to silence Bob Schubert began on March 18, 2011 when now proven serial public liar Ex-City Manager Scott Pickup claimed that Bob had threatened his life and the life of then Councilwoman Catherine Parker. At the time Bob was 88 years old, required oxygen tanks to breath and weighted in at every bit of 100 lbs. The third and final attempt to silence Bob Schubert occurred after Bob later again entered City Hall to view a public wetlands map located on the wall. Bob was then again charged by police and prosecuted after yet another malicious false complaint lodged by City Manager Pickup. The two Rye City Administrations responsible for these abominations should bow their heads in shame forevermore and honest American’s should never forget nor hesitate to speak out about the way this distinguished Rye citizen was abused in the last years of his life by corrupt officials and others for money. If you’d like, please watch the short video below as Robert W. Schubert was honored in front of a city council, who refused to even acknowledge his passing.
Here is one that both Killian and Sack continue to cover-up.
Ted C, In the middle of this fraud let us not forget how and why it became public knowledge and what lengths the City of Rye went to in order to discredit Bob Schubert and cover their political contributor. See below: As a result of an UN-permitted construction project on an upstream neighboring property, Bob’s pond dried up and his award winning wetlands garden was destroyed. City Hall refused to enforce its wetlands codes (in an effort to selectively save a Rye political donor $100,000 dollars or more in permitting, environmental consulting and construction fees) As Rye residents appeared in droves at City Council meetings supporting Bob’s efforts and protesting the City’s treatment of the senior citizen, the City responded by trying to silence Bob in order to avoid municipal embarrassment. The City called the psychiatric unit of the Westchester County Medical Center in an attempt to have Bob evaluated and committed. When that failed, former City Manager Scott Pickup claimed that Bob had threatened his life and the life of then-Councilwoman now-County Legislator Catherine Parker. The third and final attempt to silence Bob Schubert occurred in the final months of his life after he entered City Hall to view a public wetlands map located on the wall. Bob was charged by police and prosecuted. Bob Schubert’s story is interwoven into the tale of Hen Island with “dirty pool politics”, municipal corruption, and political agendas competing against the extraordinary power of ordinary people who fight for what they believe in. is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 5, 2016