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Elisha Hamilton
Recent Activity
My Montessori kids also use glasses and china at home.
My son's Montessori daycare suggested the Pokal glasses from Ikea (
Only 150mL, pretty sturdy (they have been dropped on to our wood floor a few times and not broken) and at $4 for 6 (67c each!) they don't break the bank when I need to replace them!!
We also used the Schnaps glasses (50mL) from Ikea when he was 12- 18 months old.
Why we use real (not plastic) plates, bowls and cups.
"Furniture for children, their tables and chairs, should be light, not only that they may be easily carried about by childish arms, but because their very fragility is of educational value. The same consideration leads us to give children china, plates, glass drinking-vessels and fragile ornam...
Elisha Hamilton is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 6, 2016
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