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Barb Glasscoe
Recent Activity
Thanks, Judith! I'm lucky to have all of that space available. It's been great fun pulling all of those various pieces together to make it work. Now if I could just find a way to create more time to spend there!!
Sharing Our Sewing Spaces - Barb Glasscoe
Welcome to the 9th post in our series of "Sharing Our Sewing Spaces". In this series members of our Facebook Group will be sharing their sewing spaces with us! Today we have Barb Glasscoe, sharing her space with us.......Over to you Barb: ---------------------------------------------------------...
Thanks, Kathyh! Funny you should mention that. A couple of days after the lighting was installed I did have two friends come over to have a fun sewing weekend. There is plenty of open space in the middle area to set up more tables. We had a great time and will do it again in the future. :)
Sharing Our Sewing Spaces - Barb Glasscoe
Welcome to the 9th post in our series of "Sharing Our Sewing Spaces". In this series members of our Facebook Group will be sharing their sewing spaces with us! Today we have Barb Glasscoe, sharing her space with us.......Over to you Barb: ---------------------------------------------------------...
Thanks so much, Sass! I surprised myself in that I enjoyed the organization process. Now let's see if I can keep some semblance of organization! :)
Sharing Our Sewing Spaces - Barb Glasscoe
Welcome to the 9th post in our series of "Sharing Our Sewing Spaces". In this series members of our Facebook Group will be sharing their sewing spaces with us! Today we have Barb Glasscoe, sharing her space with us.......Over to you Barb: ---------------------------------------------------------...
Barb Glasscoe is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 8, 2016
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