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Adrianne Surian
Recent Activity
Hey friends! Adrianne Surian here with you today to share a fun makeover for plain wooden utensils. Gelatos® can turn just about any item into a work of art, and this week we are featuring Iridescent Comet as the color of the week! The bright green is a cheerful color... Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2017 at Faber-Castell Design Memory Craft
Kimberly, I used the Design Memory Craft Glaze, and it is water resistant for just a splash, but you wouldn't want to submerge them if you're only coating the outside with one coat of glaze. One coat has always served my purposes just fine (but I make new jewelry pieces weekly, and rotate often!) but if you'd like to get a longer lifespan out of your beads, an extra coat of glaze *including* a coat on the inside of the bead with a slim paintbrush will make them even more durable. Thanks for asking!
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Jun 15, 2016