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George Bibawy
Recent Activity
Interesting! With introduction of new technology comes a whole host of new challenges. I would think there are many effective solutions for backup and quick recovery. These are used in many industries. Why are they not being used for EMR?
Improved Physician Practice Preparedness To Recover from EMR Downtime and Other Technology Risks is Needed
It should not take 3 weeks to restore an EMR system. I was not surprised when one of my colleagues told me his EMR unexpectedly "went down", as there are many threats to hardware and software--wind, fire, water, construction equipment, human error and cyber crimes to name a few. It was the re...
Hi Suzy, I just saw your post. Sorry this is coming after so much time....
There is quite a selection available for portable camping generators. Inverter generators are probably your best bet. They are very popular because of their low noise levels, high fuel efficiency and relatively light weight making them easy to transport. Also, inverter technology is safe for sensitive electronics like computers and smartphones. You can find some reviews on some of the more popular ones at Best of luck with your search.
Best Portable Gas Generator Reviews
Folks who may be searching for the best portable gas generator reviews have got numerous choices. We see that many portable generators are indeed high quality, all those driven by means of gas power create the largest variety of gains. They are just useful, trustworthy, become preserved lengthie...
George Bibawy is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 17, 2016
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