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My So Called Run
Recent Activity
"Don't be that Mom," my 10 year old stated as I announced I was heading out for a morning run. "Don't be that Mom?" I asked back. What does that even mean?" "You know," he said "the Mom that has to go out for a run everyday when you could... Continue reading
Posted Aug 10, 2016 at My So Called Run
Accountability. For me right now a viral and unexpected workout community - a fearless leader who guides us through a workout. Simply put, a decorated, amazingly trained, Olympic caliber athlete who "re-routed" on her Road to Rio, made herself accessible, and created for us a community she calls the #RoadtoBurrito.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 21, 2016 at My So Called Run
My So Called Run is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 20, 2016