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Samantha Mozart
Writer, Editor, Journalist, Essayist, Creative Nonfiction Storyteller, Short Story Writer, Blogger
Interests: Moriarty, the Phantom of My Blog
Recent Activity
And Moni was honored by your presence and support, as well, Patricia. The sense of loss has many facets; it never quite ends. Take forward what she taught you and carry it throughout your life: I'm sure you already know to do that.
Shalom aleichem,
A Tribute to Our Little Sister - Moni
It’s hard for most people to show emotions; It was the opposite for Moni. Her love, Her joy, Her smile, Her hunger to experience all that life had to offer, Prevailed and seeped into all she was. Thus, The anger, The sadness, The disappointment, The doubts, Raged through her body when told...
Beautiful, Patricia, just a beautiful tribute. One could not ask for more from a dear friend such as you. What a pretty and vibrant young woman she was. I would have liked to have known her; I feel as if I did know her -- from your words and her photos. Thank you: this inspires us all, I think. You and Moni have shown us the real meaning of life and beyond.
I especially like your poetic lines, "Of the invincible love that washes away every pain,
Like waves beating against piles of rocks" -- stunning imagery.
Shalom aleichem,
A Tribute to Our Little Sister - Moni
It’s hard for most people to show emotions; It was the opposite for Moni. Her love, Her joy, Her smile, Her hunger to experience all that life had to offer, Prevailed and seeped into all she was. Thus, The anger, The sadness, The disappointment, The doubts, Raged through her body when told...
Dramatic sky, Patricia. Heavenly beauty. I go sit on my porch and look at the sky, watch the birds and listen to my wind chimes. I love seeing the street where you live. Glad to see you are so involved with your writing, too.
Shalom aleichem,
SKYWATCH #20 Over My Head, The Beauty Of Heaven
I have been working pretty hard setting up my computer for 2017. I installed Scrivener on my iMac, and of course, that demands concentration and energy, and now I am learning how to use it. I have imported a multiple blogging template and a few other templates that I need to use in Scrivener...
That's nice, Patricia. What a charming way to celebrate the Christmas season, and shop.
Merry Christmas. Shalom aleichem.
SKYWATCH #18 Hanau, Germany, The Christmas Fair
It is Christmas time in the city of Hanau, Germany where the Grimm brothers were born. This is the Christmas Fair. It covers the entire Marktplatz until December 22nd. People come from all over to walk and to buy Christmas presents, and of course, to drink Glühwein and eat a Bratwurst or ...
Thank you for, Patricia, for taking and sharing this series of sky pictures. I love looking at the sky.
And, in this case, particularly at the heavens -- my thoughts and prayers for Micki Peluso's Kimber. May she pull through and be restored to perfect health to run barefoot beneath the beautiful sky.
SKYWATCH #13 Grey Clouds
This Skyward look is totally cloudy. No signs of light. Gray clouds are spread across the heaven and remind me of the election farce the American people are experiencing. Reality television at its finest. People’s minds exploited while a Boxer and a Chow Chow parade during prime time hours ...
Thank you, Patricia. Beautiful sky -- and thoughts.
Shalom aleichem,
SKYWATCH # 12 The Sky Over Hanau-GrossAuheim
I was thinking about the breakdown in communication, which has caused so many lives in Syria and surrounding countries when I took this photo of the sky. I thought about how arrogant humanity has become. We depend on our knowledge and wisdom and never look upward to the One who sees more than ...
Beautiful sky and landscape, Patricia. And, or course, I, the would-be Cinderella, love castles.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful work and scenes from Germany and throughout Europe.
Shalom aleichem,
My vision for my life leads me to many different villages, cities, and countries on the European Continent. For a young child born in a small town, I am amazed at what I have seen, the events I have sung at, and most of all, at the people I have met so far. Especially concerning interacting ...
I don't mind the walking and the steep hills once I get used to them, Patricia. Where my daughter lives in the N. Carolina Piedmont region is like that. I think they should have escalators, though, on some of those hills. :-)
When I look at this picture, I always smile. You see I was walking down the steps of the old city when I took this one. No one told me that cars were not allowed in the old city. There are parking lots on the outside of the city. My writing conference was in a hotel at the highest point by the...
You can post this one every week, Patricia. Heavenly. And, if I were there I'd never want to be anyplace else.
Shalom aleichem,
When I look at this picture, I always smile. You see I was walking down the steps of the old city when I took this one. No one told me that cars were not allowed in the old city. There are parking lots on the outside of the city. My writing conference was in a hotel at the highest point by the...
Somehow I can't find the place to comment, Patricia, so I'm putting it here. Beautiful sky. Passionate. A metaphor for life.
Thank you.
Shalom aleichem--
I had the honor of participating in an archeological dig, last year. It was amazing for me. The sun was shining; the sky, clear, and then it happened. This picture reminds me of how life changes. Suddenly, the challenges come upon us. They appear quickly just like this dark cloud. Until nex...
That's beautiful, Patricia, truly heavenly. I feel like I am there. I can even feel the mist on my face. Thank you for this series.
SkyWatch Post #2, Walking Up To The Clouds
One of the most beautiful things to do is walk up a mountain. I have had the privilege of doing that in Austria and in Italy. The picture above shows the sky as I walked a narrow path upward in Austria while in Matrei an der Brenner. I felt as if I was walking up to the clouds. Shalom aleichem...
Beautiful, Patricia. One of my first memories from when I was a child is kneeling on the studio couch in my bedroom and looking out the window up at the blue sky with the puffy white clouds. Gazing at the sky has always been one of my favorite pastimes.
SKYWATCH POST #1, Walking Through The Wine Vineyard in Wiesbaden-Frauenstein
Hello Everyone, This is an introduction and a Skywatch Post. I have joined the Skywatch Group so that I can re-awaken my blog Wind, Rain, Winding Roads, & Sunshine, the By-Ways of Life. Posting is done once a week on Fridays, and I hope you will enjoy my thoughts about the photos I take of ...
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Jul 26, 2016
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