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Roxanne Waddell
Stony Plain Alberta
Interior Designer
Interests: Crafts, Sewing, Quilting, Knitting,
Recent Activity
I was surprised by the number of different techniques that can be incorporated into a quilt. Usually you think of a quilt that has a couple of different "styles" of blocks. But with the Splendid Sampler the variety of different techniques is fantastic and when it is all sewn together, it will be telling an amazing story.
Another Splendid Party Day! Enter to win fabric today!
Day 2 of our Celebration for reaching 50 blocks in The Splendid Samplerâ„¢ means more Designers to visit! But first you need to leave a comment below to be in the running..... .... to win this yummy FatQuarter Bundle!! Anne Sutton really wanted to join the party but was not able to, so the ...
Roxanne Waddell is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 5, 2016
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