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Clare Hendry
Recent Activity
For anyone reading this that is researching study abroad and is not 100% set on it yet, I say do it. I know that you are nervous you aren't going to get into the program, or that you'll miss your home and friends, or you'll have a hard time adjusting.... Continue reading
Moving to a different country can be a very big change. The food, customs, people, and language can all be different from what you are used to. These are some differences that I have noticed in my time here. Meals: USA 3 meals a day and snacking in between 6... Continue reading
The time flew by I can't believe yesterday marked one month into my journey in Spain!! So much has happened in the past month that I can't even remember it all. I think that I have adjusted so well here and gotten used to the Spanish lifestyle so quickly. I... Continue reading
Tmrw marks three weeks since I have been with my family!! I know this blog is very late, but I have been so busy I am just updating it now. So this is pretty much a summary of my first week and a half with my family. I will write... Continue reading
Hi Everyone!! My journey has begun! Im six days into my Spanish adventure and I have already learned so much.The first two and a half days of my trip were spent in madrid with the CIEE (program I am with) staff and other students from the US studying in Spain... Continue reading
Clare Hendry is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 27, 2016