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Jackie Anaya
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La Familia Babies are my Weakness The Soul of a Doctor The Faster the Better Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2016 at write2think
La Familia
The mural that caught my attention was La Familia one. This mural explains a lot of why someone works and the reason is to support the family people have or plan to have in the future. It starts off with the chicano movement flag which means that this family on... Continue reading
Posted Nov 20, 2016 at write2think
We don't know what we "love"
Do what you love is not necessarily the key to success. Many of the times people think he or she work in their dream job that they "love", but as time passes by some learn that their job isn't the right one for them. For example, the article "A Life... Continue reading
Posted Nov 6, 2016 at write2think
The Faster the Better
Both are great arguments, but I tend to lean more on the argument that colleges should prepare students for their professional lives as quickly as possible by focusing on the technical skills and specific knowledge they will need for the field they plan to work in. This way students can... Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2016 at write2think
Babies are my weakness
If I had the chance to become anything I wanted, I would choose to become a nurse. I have decided becoming a nurse not too long ago. I want to be a part of people's lives for a few days and hopefully become someone important for them, to be able... Continue reading
Posted Oct 4, 2016 at write2think
why am I a surface learner?
As I read the book, “What the Best College Students Do” by Ken Bain, I identified myself as a surface learner on page 35. Ken Bain defines surface learners as students who memorize as much as information they possibly can. Surface learners “focus only on passing the exam” (Bain, 36).... Continue reading
Posted Sep 27, 2016 at write2think
Nothing Better to do
In the movie Office Space, Milton, one of the actors in the movie, works at a company called Intech. He works with the main characters of the movie. I believe Milton works because he has nothing else to do. We notice this when he gets fired. He isn’t told directly.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 20, 2016 at write2think
The Soul of a Doctor
The book I chose for this blog is “The Soul of a Doctor.” This book is composed by many students who start to take on their clinical responsibilities. I believe they chose to write about the story that has affected them the most. I chose this book because the word... Continue reading
Posted Sep 13, 2016 at write2think
Mice on Duty
In the song of “Cinderella” the mice work in order to help Cinderella go to the ball since her stepsisters and stepmother “always keep her hopping”. They “keep a busy Cinderelly.” Jack says, “Cinderelly no go to the ball.” All the mice get sad and stay quiet for a second.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 30, 2016 at write2think
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Aug 29, 2016
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