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Labor Workers
In this image we see a man who is metaphorically holding up a bridge. I think this mural, from Chicano park, is trying to show the strength the hard labor workers have for working all day at a job that is vital to society, just like if he was actually... Continue reading
Posted Dec 6, 2016 at write2think
Elena's Portfolio
How high education should be structured I wish I wasn't a strategic learner Smoke Break- Carrie Underwood Labor workers Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2016 at write2think
Botton argues that people are judged and pushed into small categories simply because of one aspect about someone's life. When some one asks you if you are a cat person or dog person they assign you into one group that can make you become the "crazy cat lady" simply because... Continue reading
Posted Nov 1, 2016 at write2think
How higher education should be structured
When I think of college I think of student debt, stress, and homework. I think there is something wrong with our higher education system but, I do not think that any education system is going to be perfect. Taking four years to explore various areas of education all while mastering... Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2016 at write2think
Dream Job
One of my favorite things to do is read books and meet authors. Going to book festivals and meeting theses amazing minds inspires me so much. There is nothing I love more than laying in bed all day with a new book. The young adult fiction environment has always felt... Continue reading
Posted Oct 5, 2016 at write2think
I wish I wasn't a strategic learner
Throughout the book, What the Best College Students do, Bain talks about the different approaches to learning. He talks about what a strategic learner does in school and how they get good grades. A strategic learner learns what the instructor wants and does his/her best to meet those standards but... Continue reading
Posted Sep 28, 2016 at write2think
Sometimes disasters can teach us who we are
In the film Office Space Peter Gibbons is tired of working in a small cubicle and is tired of “staring at a computer screen all day”. Peter and his two friends try to steal money from the company a little at a time but, it goes wrong. Peter prepares to... Continue reading
Posted Sep 20, 2016 at write2think
A fire can be a blessing
In the film Office Space Peter Gibbons is tired of working in a small cubicle and is tired of “staring at a computer screen all day”. Peter and his two friends try to steal money from the company a little at a time but, it goes wrong. Peter prepares to... Continue reading
Posted Sep 14, 2016 at write2think
Guide to writing Fantastical Realms
The book, “Writer’s Digest Guide to Science Fiction and Fantasy”, explores the many diverse topics that every writer should know if they wish to pull readers into another realm where anything is possible. The authors covers topics such as the rules to magic, how to create another world, and “tasks... Continue reading
Posted Sep 7, 2016 at write2think
Smoke Break- Carrie Underwood
In the song Smoke Break by Carrie Underwood, she mentions a woman who juggles three jobs as a mother and a wife. The mother struggles everyday because she is “feeding four little mouths in a run-down kitchen”. This mother is working so that her family has food on the table... Continue reading
Posted Aug 31, 2016 at write2think
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Aug 31, 2016
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