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Jackie Beckwith
Interests: Stamping and quilting
Recent Activity
This is so darn cute. I can't wait until I can get this set.Thank you for sharing this project. Jackie Beckwith
Love it, but I think I will try it using a Christmas theme. Thanks for the teaching. Jackie Beckwith
Love your videos, they help me a lot when I make the card. Thank you for taking the time to do them. I would like to see a video using the Merry Christmas wishes stamp set and die cuts. Jackie Beckwith
I love your videos, they have helped me so much when making my own cards. Your ideals and the color combinations help me also. Thank you for taking the time to make them for us. The little mouse is so cute, I might have to consider him in my next purchase. Jackie
Jackie Beckwith is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 2, 2016