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The West Country
Interests: Literature, Scripture, History, Languages, Psychology and Nature.
Recent Activity
3. Percentages And Prophecies.
I've been playing a Sudoko app on my iPad for awhile now maybe a year or more it has 6 levels: Easy, Medium, Difficult, Hard, Evil, Diabolical. I usually flip between the first three because I'm intimidated by the word 'hard' (and I've been thinking a lot recently about maths... Continue reading
Posted Sep 6, 2016 at The In-Between Journals
2. 'I Had A Cat Named Snowball...'
On the way to our vets clinic, a few towns over from home, there is a road we pass with two storey houses with rooms over garages on the right hand side and a large grassy graveyard opposite bordered by a mid height grey stone wall. It looks friendly and... Continue reading
Posted Sep 5, 2016 at The In-Between Journals
1. Just Keep Going.
Writing is my preferred means of communication and has been for as long as I can remember. I can be verbally verbose with a trusted select but outside of that everything is a struggle after 'Hello, how are you?'. As my world grows smaller, in more ways than one, I'd... Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2016 at The In-Between Journals
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Sep 3, 2016
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