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Julie, I can relate to your journey... Back in the 70's, I started working in recording studios after my band recorded our 1st LP w. a major label - I fell in love with the process and its results. No one would let me audio engineer or produce at that time, so I wormed my way into major studios and just wrapped mic cords, did set up, cleaned floors, all while watching, listening and learning. A few years later, I opened my own broadcast music production company/studio. I wrote and produced music for TV and radio commercials for many years thereafter. The "Old Boys Network" was always out on full display; sexism continually manifested itself in myriad ways, and so I had to prove myself "worthy" on each project. I couldn't allow myself to succumb to the gender-limiting stereotypes that others wanted to pin on me, i.e. that I was just a "female producer", not to be taken seriously. I had to ignore all the sexist noise to move forward in my chosen profession; instead, I focused on commanding respect by always being thorough and prepared, a team player, respecting everyone else involved in the project, knowing my shit, and basically, being the best that I could be every single time at bat. Also, I had to be tough. I was rewarded with a great profession and many awards for my music and production. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunities to write hit songs for major label artists, and write music for and produce many well-regarded national TV/radio ads in my career. It was one of the best times of my life. I went on to do other things, but it's great to see that there are more and more women out there who are producers now. Kudos to Julie, to Female Frequency and all women who are producers!
Toggle Commented Sep 27, 2016 on From 'Female Producer' To 'Producer' at hypebot
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Sep 27, 2016