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Lisa H.
Recent Activity
I think we should be able to sell our stamps,nails,padlocks,and shovels to our neighbors if we have to many or just don't need them instead of having to just throw them away. We could help our fellow neighbors and co-op when they are in need of these things. I also think it shouldn't take 10 hours to make 1 shovel,too long for 1 item. I am also halfway to 57 and have nothing to do...are you going to find more stuff for us at higher levels to do,besides updgrade our machines?
The FarmVille Country Music Festival!
Johnny, Eagle Eye Eddie, and Pike are gettin' the band back together. They are going to apply to the Annual FarmVille Music Festival. Once again, Marie has pulled some strings and gotten them in and playing alongside some of the best touring acts around! Music fans from all over are heading back...
Lisa H. is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 30, 2016
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