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Paris Motor Show: what’s striking? #ParisMotorShowVolkswagen
Opel Mercedes-Benz #MondialAuto Tesla
From an outdated “pleasure-of-driving” focus to “pleasure of being driven and do something else that really matters instead”
¤ Access over ownership
¤ A growing concern for a smarter, safer & cleaner city
¤ A strong focus on e-mobility
¤ Tech giants are disrupting the industry
¤ An acceleration of the transition towards autonomous driving
DOE awarding $3.0M cost-share contract to FuelCell Energy for solid oxide electrolyzer; converting excess electricity to H2
FuelCell Energy, Inc. is developing a solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC) system to convert excess electricity during periods of low power demand into hydrogen efficiently. The US Department of Energy (DOE) is supporting this development with a $3.0 million cost-share contract to advance SOEC ...
ChristianBlue is now following TypePad France
Oct 26, 2016
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