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Cara cruz
San Diego, CA
Recent Activity
I always think of how the middle age people use renewable energy and panel system. in their everyday life. I like how you explained it to us.
Paul Krugman: Here Comes the Sun
Who doesn't like solar energy?: Here Comes the Sun, by Paul Krugman, Commentary, NY Times: ...We are, or at least we should be, on the cusp of an energy transformation, driven by the rapidly falling cost of solar power. That’s right, solar power. If that surprises you,... blame our fossilized p...
I always think of how the middle age people use renewable energy in their everyday life. I like how you explained it to us.
Open Energy and Infinia To Develop a Suncone/Stirling Solar-Electric Power System
A cutaway diagram of Infinia’s 55-W free-piston Stirling generator. Open Energy Corporation and Infinia Corporation (formerly Stirling Technology Company) plan to integrate Sterling engines and solar concentrators to create a new solar-powered electric generation system. The engineering teams...
Thanks for sharing your blog. I like the way you start and then conclude your thoughts.
Phelps Rides Out Press Storm With Strippers
Page Six reports: Michael Phelps emerged from bong-gate without any criminal charges, but he's still wary of having his photo taken. A spy tells us the human dolphin recently had the windows of his Baltimore house tinted to prevent paparazzi from snapping shots of him at home. According to ou...
I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article. I look forward to more of your awesome blog posts.
Making Peace With Urban Wildlife
Think of this as Volume 18, Number 22 of the newsletter I have written weekly since March, 1997. Enjoy. Temple Grandin said, “Nature is cruel. We don't have to be.” She should have added, “But nature has to be.” Because it's true. And it's a truth people ignore all the time. It may be the most...
I am learning so many things just by visiting your blog, like App Portal Now Supports AirWatch® Mobile Application Management. This post is a good reference for my thesis writing. Thanks again!
App Portal Now Supports AirWatch® Mobile Application Management™
As the “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) trend accelerates, enterprise app stores are rapidly gaining popularity because they give employees a familiar, intuitive process to request and access enterprise-approved applications. However in most organizations, back-end services supporting the app sto...
Your share will be helpful to many people, at least for me who always use smartphone to job search. And hope to see more mobile application for android users.
San Diego Mobile App
Get Mobile With Job Search Apps
(CCO Public Domain - from pixabay) Job searching has never been more accessible than within the last few years. In the past, you were restricted to looking for jobs or working on your resume on your home computer. It is now possible and more convenient to job search while on the move with t...
Thanks you for your wonderful explanation about the function of solar Towers.
Paul Krugman: Wind, Sun and Fire
"We can have an energy revolution even if the crazies retain control of the House": Wind, Sun and Fire, by Paul Krugman, Commentary, NY Times: So what’s really at stake in this year’s election? Well, among other things, the fate of the planet. Last year was the hottest on record..., climate c...
This is my first time to your blog and I’ve really enjoyed looking around.
Ornament Window
Good Sunday morning. I have a fast and easy Christmas card to share with you today using the newly released Impression Obsession Ornament Window Scene. I really like the all white ornaments and frame against the dark blue background. I added an additional layer of white and blue to add anothe...
Cara cruz is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 27, 2016
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