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"First, business will always build product the sells." Flat out false. Businesses sell what they can get people to buy.
"Lurking Jerk. It is pointless. Modern PFs with SCR and Urea are clean. My wife drives one of those new '16 Jeeps with the V6 diesel and SCR/Urea. I can't smell or see anything coming from the exhaust. Now my older diesel work trucks and equipment are another story." No, it isn't pointless. Just because we cannot accurately measure and control ultrafine particles does not make them go away. ICE's are not clean. They are only cleaner. Today's cleanest ICE's still randomly kill people.
"The lines have crossed only for miniscule segments of the population. It is not practical to the Commoner." Nearing 50 percent of the total market and the cost declines enabling it just make the margins fatter and fatter on that "minuscule" premium portion with most of the industry's profits. It is a done deal: Funny how they tried to dismiss it just a few years ago:
The products exist and are clearly cost competitive but somehow it is a debate. Hard to make a man believe something when his paycheck depends on him not understanding it.
"You know the people with money on the line. Analysis have the BEV sales minuscule for the foreseeable future." Yeah, there is plenty of FUD being spread. Lot's of money for BS analysis and other types of misinformation. All success achieved at slowing the transition only does so at the expense of future profits in the winning technologies. Economic treason.
Political actors can only delay the ongoing move away from fossil fuels. Any country where fossil fuel interests are able to delay the switch will suffer permanent ongoing losses into the future from their lower economic participation in the displacing technologies. Propping up fossil fuels is economic treason.
Utter nonsense. The cost lines have already crossed. EV drive trains are fully price competitive with diesel and gasoline drive trains at the high end of the light vehicle market. Continually falling battery prices both increase the addressable EV market while also increasing EV margins at the high end. ICE drive trains will increasingly be unable to compete in the high margin premium segments and will increasingly only be used in lower margin applications. Trucks and SUVs are not immune to this ongoing effect. Copper is not the only conductor. And, it is plenty cheap enough and available in large enough quantities for massive electrification of the transportation system. Alternative like doped graphene seem likely displace copper as a conductor long before resource limits pose issues anyhow. On the flip side, resource limits are extremely likely to keep petroleum prices well above electricity prices for transportation. The only reason resource limits would not cause that pricing effect is if BEVs rapidly displace petroleum from the transportation fuels market.
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Nov 23, 2016