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New Zealand
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In order to give the other Mamma a lie-in on Sunday morning, the three year old and I went to check if the beach had any new driftwood or sand sculptures for us to explore. It is a short walk so we were wearing what the three year old calls... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2017 at Cat Valentine
Wins, losses, aspirations, failures. It's all in your head. Tell yourself the story that moves you forward, not the one that drags you back. Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2017 at Cat Valentine
It might not work. I might look stupid. It’s going to cost too much. Feel free to find a reason not to try, you won’t have look far. So if where you are right now is perfect, everything you ever dreamed of, sit tight. If not, it’s time to focus... Continue reading
Posted Dec 27, 2016 at Cat Valentine
What time did you wake up this morning? Why? What did you eat for breakfast? What clothes did you put on? Why? Where did you go today? What did you do? Why? If you had complete freedom (which you do by the way), would you have made the same choices? Continue reading
Posted Dec 23, 2016 at Cat Valentine
When I was about 11 or 12 I remember asking my science teacher if hot water was hotter than cold water was cold or vice versa. She explained it was neither and that if boiling water and ice were mixed in a vacuum that the result would be 50 degree... Continue reading
Posted Dec 21, 2016 at Cat Valentine
Our three year old daughter is learning to swim. She leaps excitedly into the pool each Wednesday, togs stretched against her proud puku. Her classmates change each week but they grin and giggle like old friends. They celebrate each other’s successes but they don’t stay in the pool for a... Continue reading
Posted Dec 20, 2016 at Cat Valentine
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Dec 20, 2016