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Murray Stevens
Recent Activity
Burglar Bill
Burglar Bill
Protesting still
I didn't touch a dime
That wasn't mine
Whilst secretary of the AWU
@billshortenmp "speechless" on Turnbull campaign donation - like Unibuild $40K for 8 years?
Bill Shorten is speechless. Good, stay that way for a while Bill. But fair dinkum mate you have a hide. Malcolm Turnbull says he supports greater transparency for political donations, just not his own. Speechless. — Bill Shorten (@billshortenmp) February 1, 2017 Follow the TURC AWU corr...
Reminds us all? Leave me out of anything this woman says.
Respect for one another? respect for self-seeking, lying politicians? absolutely not.
Sharing common values? I don't share common values with her or help yourself union leaders.
Multicultural communities? a series of racial ghettoes around Australia - Indian in Shepparton, Vietnamese in Springvale, moslem in western Sydney et al.
Are politicians congenital liars or does she believe the rosy glow she gets from her rose- coloured spectacles.
Just a bit of common sense wouldn't go amiss.
Who has been killed by islamists today?
Senator Sarah Hanson Young further politicising the Hijab billboard girls
Senator Sarah Hanson-Young Like This Page · January 28 · Edited · Today, as Donald Trump signed an order to stop migration to the US from Muslim countries, back here in Australia I was meeting the two gorgeous young girls whose faces on an Australia Day billboard re...
Murray Stevens is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 22, 2017
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