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Barry Lam
Durham, NC
Philosophy professor at producer of Hi-Phi Nation
Recent Activity
You don't have to convince me Greg. I love what you're doing and everyone just like you. Its about these Deans and granting agencies and other academia-internal review agencies. If they can be on board with the value of reviewers outside of academia, all the better. I'll add you to my list.
The Future of Public-facing ventures in Philosophy
As I'm writing this, I'm sitting in a two-day conference about digital and public humanities at Duke, where the takeaway is that Deans and the humanities as a whole need a coherent way to vet, review, and evaluate risky and adventurous work that is digital and/or public reaching in order to st...
Sorry Karl, I must not have read the original comment correctly. For soundtracking purposes, all music must be licensed or freely distributed without further license. For music you talk about educationally or critically, as in the mashups episode, the music falls under fair use.
How to do story-driven philosophy for audio
The Humanities-writ large initiative at Duke University is responsible for allowing me to work full time this entire academic year to produce the first season of Hi-Phi Nation. I have done nothing but this project, and since it is most likely very different from the daily work flow of profession...
Good to hear from you Sam. Sometimes both of the things you mentioned, sometimes others. I'm not trying to say that there is something special about philosophy here. These are questions journalists face all the time, its just that philosophers aren't journalists nor is our work journalistic. Its the nature of our work to offer a thesis or analysis, sometimes a refutation. Example: if I did an episode on atheism, and I sought out somebody and recorded them telling their story about some profound religious experience they had and put it on my show, I'd feel I'd have to be really careful about how I approached it. If I had evidence and arguments about why such experiences are not veridical or what not, I could frame it as a take-down of religious experience of this kind. Maybe that's fair game, but I found it a more difficult decision than just sitting down and writing some paper for a journal. I'm not even sure if its about what subjects themselves do or do not like. Maybe they're strong people and don't give a crap. I do think your second solution is correct.
Tricky Decisions of Public Philosophy
I released an episode today about norms of gender that begins with the story of the opening up of combat arms to women under Obama. I use the story to explore the view that militaristic cultures and their need for self-sacrificial protectors engaged in war help to explain certain norms of mascul...
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