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LoveName pix
Recent Activity
Best Birthday Surprise ever <3
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A Birthday
So last Monday was this girl's birthday. She wanted to go out. Except for... it was Monday. Which means the next day is Tuesday. Tuesday isn't really Saturday. Tuesday isn't really Thursday either which, for me, is kind of like a Saturday. Nope. Her birthday was Monday. So my roommate made ...
Write your name on birthday cakes and wish.
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A Birthday
So last Monday was this girl's birthday. She wanted to go out. Except for... it was Monday. Which means the next day is Tuesday. Tuesday isn't really Saturday. Tuesday isn't really Thursday either which, for me, is kind of like a Saturday. Nope. Her birthday was Monday. So my roommate made ...
Create Love Wishes & Happy Birthday Cakes With Name
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A Birthday
So last Monday was this girl's birthday. She wanted to go out. Except for... it was Monday. Which means the next day is Tuesday. Tuesday isn't really Saturday. Tuesday isn't really Thursday either which, for me, is kind of like a Saturday. Nope. Her birthday was Monday. So my roommate made ...
LoveName pix is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 31, 2017
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