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Jaye Smith
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What is the intent of this blog post? Is it to generalize one person’s opinion and writing style and assume that author More (sic) is representative of all who may agree with the intent of the author however clumsily presented? The title of Paul Moore’s piece, “Investigation is not done until you have all the evidence”, is just that: the title of the piece. He goes on to compare the House Intelligence Committee idea that the investigation should end because they are tired of how long it is taking and because it is getting closer the upcoming election. However, the investigation might not end until next year. Who knows when Mueller might decide he has chased down all the leads he can find? Should we also take the opinions presented here in the Comments section as indicative of the intelligence and mental state of both liberals and conservatives as a whole across America? Some posts I have read are quite bizarre. The Whitewater investigation began after Vince Foster’s death in 1993 and continued until 1998. What is the rush on the part of Republicans to end the Mueller investigation?
Nevada City's police chief has resigned. Maybe they don't need a police chief as such. The officers know what to do. Just pay one officer a little more to take care of the extra pencil pushing the chief used to do. Robberies have happened in the past but I don't know how many perps were eventually caught. Complaints have been made and reports filed. Life goes on. The City Manager is also gone along with the Director of Public Works position. Both of these positions are now be handled by long time employees but not at the pay grades of the previous department heads.
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2018 on Sandbox - 2mar18 at Rebane's Ruminations
From the Union article, "Tackling outdoor personal grows, supervisors told staff to examine a maximum of six plants outdoors on exclusive agriculture, general agriculture, forest and timberland preserve zones. Up to six outdoor plants could grow on residential agriculture estate and residential agriculture rural zones, if parcels are at least five acres. State law allows property owners to grow up to six plants indoors." The proposed ordinance and Supe's logic are questionable here. If I can grow 6 plants indoors anywhere, and I don't need to provide carbon filtration for odor control, aren't my plants going to stench when I exhaust them out the gable end of my garage? Is there going to be a big difference if I grew the same 6 plants outdoors?
With the Bost Ave. processing plant, the dispensary on the South Yuba Club site and (I think) the purchase of the main So Yuba Club building for something MJ related, Nevada City has its very own MJ business incubator complex.
Bill@948pm - "I laughed when Bost Ave. was mentioned" Wrong side of the freeway my friend. The location is in the property to the south of South Yuba Club on the other Bost Ave. I guess it went though BF (before freeway).
jons, yeah, I can see why those CAG meeting went nowhere fast.
If you can't beat them, join them,
I don't see anything meaningful in this post. A lot of talk about what the state did or did not do in crafting the regs. None of crime, addiction, bla, bla, bla has come to pass in California because cannabis has only been legal for a couple of months. All the problems associated with cannabis, and every other substance known to man, have always been with us. The drug wars are a failure. It is a people problem, not a drug problem. Those pesky Norwegians that Trump likes would keep a reindeer penned up and feed it magic mushrooms so they could drink its piss after the reindeer purified it.
Viewed an interesting dustup between Clerk Recorder Gregory Diaz and Supes over funding for the Voter's Choice Act. Some of the Supes really seemed to want to dress Diaz down for requesting money to fund the new Voter's Choice program and to publicly shame him. Supe Miller didn't seem to have much of an opinion so he just sided with the Good Old Dinosaurs who must want to keep the old number two pencils and paper ballots and relive the good old days of going to the voting booths. 82% of voters voted by mail last time in Nevada County.
Toggle Commented Jan 26, 2018 on Sandbox - 25jan18 at Rebane's Ruminations
These so called MJ experts that local governments are hiring, are not worth the money. The county should just look a air photos of the county and create a new zoning classification for MJ in areas that are already dotted with big grows. At least that would be a start. Since the grows are already there, non growers who don't like it would want to move but because of the zoning restrictions they might be able to make some money on their properties if they sell.
Sexual harassment and inappropriate sexual advances are like porn, you know it when you see it. Harassment is, in my mind, mostly verbal but could include leering, gestures, rubbing or pinching butts, etc. The example I am thinking of would be the stereotypical construction workers cat calls, whistles, sort of stuff. Inappropriate sexual advances are where physical contact occurs in more of a foreplay mode, like forced kissing, or fondling, etc. in more of a private setting.
Toggle Commented Nov 20, 2017 on Sandbox - 20nov17 at Rebane's Ruminations
Russ@330, Diplomad 2.0, is that where you get all your information? Show us some facts please on uraniumgate (birthergate 2.0); “The United States, like Russia, also “already has all the highly enriched uranium we are ever going to need,” says Owen Cote, associate director of the Security Studies Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. With a surplus of highly enriched uranium, both countries stopped making it in the 1960s, Cote notes. (Since 1993, the United States has also purchased highly enriched uranium from decommissioned Russian nuclear weapons as part of a nonproliferation effort. Those ongoing purchases are more significant for nuclear safety than the ownership of Uranium One.) It is not access to raw uranium that makes countries dangerous, but rather the technical capability to enrich it into weapons-grade material and build missiles capable of delivering warheads. “It really doesn’t matter where uranium comes from,” Cote said.” ‘Uranium One is a Canadian company. Uranium One has exploration projects in Wyoming, Arizona, Colorado and Utah.’ “The Uranium One deal required multiple approvals by the U.S., beginning with the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States. Under federal law, the committee reviews foreign investments that raise potential national security concerns. The Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States The Committee on Foreign Investments has nine members, including the secretaries of the treasury, state, defense, homeland security, commerce and energy; the attorney general; and representatives from two White House offices (the United States Trade Representative and the Office of Science and Technology Policy). The committee can’t actually stop a sale from going through — it can only approve a sale. The president is the only one who can stop a sale, if the committee or any one member “recommends suspension or prohibition of the transaction,” according to guidelines issued by the Treasury Department in December 2008 after the department adopted its final rule a month earlier. For this and other reasons, we have written that Trump is wrong to claim that Clinton “gave away 20 percent of the uranium in the United States” to Russia. Clinton could have objected — as could the eight other voting members — but that objection alone wouldn’t have stopped the sale of the stake of Uranium One to Rosatom. “Only the President has the authority to suspend or prohibit a covered transaction,” the federal guidelines say.” “It is also important to note that other federal approvals were needed to complete the deal, and even still more approvals would be needed to export the uranium. First, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission had to approve the transfer of two uranium recovery licenses in Wyoming from Uranium One to the Russian company. The NRC announced it approved the transfer on Nov. 24, 2010. But, as the NRC explained at the time, “no uranium produced at either facility may be exported.” As NRC explained in a March 2011 letter to Republican Sen. John Barrasso of Wyoming, the Russian company would have to apply for and obtain an export license and “commit to use the material only for peaceful purposes” in accordance with “the U.S.-Russia Atomic Energy Act Section 123 agreement for peaceful nuclear cooperation.” In a June 2015 letter to Rep. Peter Visclosky, the NRC said it granted RSB Logistics Services an amendment to its export license in 2012 to allow the Kentucky shipping company to export uranium to Canada from various sources — including from a Uranium One site in Wyoming. The NRC said that the export license allowed RSB to ship uranium to a conversion plant in Canada and then back to the United States for further processing. Canada must obtain U.S. approval to transfer any U.S. uranium to any country other than the United States, the letter says. “Please be assured that no Uranium One, Inc.-produced uranium has been shipped directly to Russia and the U.S. Government has not authorized any country to re-transfer U.S. uranium to Russia,” the 2015 letter said. “That 2015 statement remains true today,” David McIntyre, a spokesman for the NRC, told us in an email. RSB Logistics’ current export license, which expires in December, still lists Uranium One as one of its suppliers of uranium. Uranium One, which is now wholly-owned subsidiary of Rosatom, sells uranium to civilian power reactors in the United States, according to the Energy Information Administration. But U.S. owners and operators of commercial nuclear reactors purchase the vast majority of their uranium from foreign sources. Only 11 percent of the 50.6 million pounds purchased in 2016 came from U.S. domestic producers, according to the EIA. Although Uranium One holds 20 percent of currently licensed uranium in-situ recovery production capacity in the U.S., the company was responsible for only about 11 percent of U.S. uranium production in 2014, according to 2015 congressional testimony by a Department of Energy contractor.”
Another Trump basement dweller goes off the deep end rambling on like Trump about conspiracy theories.
Toggle Commented Oct 26, 2017 on Sandbox - 25oct17 at Rebane's Ruminations
Flip-flopping and explanations similar to 'I was for it before I was against it' are now de rigueur in the conservotron mind. It was 'so bad' when John Kerry uttered the above phrase and conservo crows cackled on and on about it. Now it is fine. It was 'so bad' when Obama went golfing or left the White House grounds on the public's dime. Now the Secret Service is broke because of Trump's many golf junkets and ego massaging rallies. Yesterday's conservo crows are today's conservo crickets.
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Jul 24, 2017