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Jay W. Wagner
High Point
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An apology and retraction is in order, not a clarification. You can't hide behind the word "if" especially when you could have published a truthful article by simply contacting me in advance.
Dirty Politics or Libel? Your above article contains salacious accusations against me related to the city of High Point’s purchase of land from a Maureen Wagner. I am not related to Maureen Wagner. The author (who’s name does not appear on the article) assumed Maureen was my relative due to the same last name. Had the author contacted me prior to running the story, the error would have easily been cleared up. But was that the point for not reaching out to me for comment? The fact the author claims the “grapevine” is raising the false attack, and then later quotes one of my opponents in the same article raises the question ... could this simply be dirty politics? Because the accusation is false, can hurt my reputation, and was distributed to the public on your blog, is seems like a clear case of libel. I hereby demand that Triad Conservative retract the article and issue an immediate apology, and that notice of the retraction and apology be linked to Carolina Plott Hound and other news portals linking to your blog. Jay W. Wagner
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Aug 28, 2017