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Thanks for this mention about Bonhoeffer. And your sermon on October 18 described his life and impact so well.
I studied in USA and Germany to become a PCUSA pastor. Now retired.
My seminary professor was a colleague of DB. Heard marvelous, inspiring stories about him. Cost of Discipleship was transformative for me also. Biographies about him and sermons by him still resonate.
Vielen Dank.
Rick M.
I'm Calling It a Pilgrimage
I’m in Berlin and I think I am on a pilgrimage. I know that sounds a little pretentious, but I think it fits. Pilgrimage: A journey associated with someone or something well known or respected. The reason I came to Berlin was the opportunity to explore the life, teachings, and influence of Diet...
Rick is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 14, 2017
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