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Kiernan Waters
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The Governor of Virginia has signed a new bill into law to fight elder abuse. The legislation was requested by a prosecutor and introduced by a state legislator. The new law is designed to create a framework to establish teams for investigation and prosecution. The problem of elder abuse is... Continue reading
There are two really tough parts of power of attorney: figuring out who should be asked to serve and deciding if you want to be the one to serve. It is an honor for a family member or a trusted friend to ask you to serve as their power of... Continue reading
Tennessee residents who cannot afford to pay for their medical care benefit from the TennCare program. However, if there are assets in the estate, TennCare seeks to recover them. The number of estate recovery cases from TennCare has jumped since 2014—by 30 percent—and the amount of money recovered has grown... Continue reading
As parents age, there are certain legal and financial matters that their adult children must attend to. They include a Power of Attorney and an Advance Health Care Directive. It’s a delicate discussion, but when parents are aging, their children should find out if their parents have several basic estate... Continue reading
There are estate taxes, inheritance taxes and final taxes that all must be addressed when a person dies. What taxes must be paid and how much must be paid depends upon the size of the estate and what state the decedent lived in. The death of a parent results in... Continue reading
It is so much easier to put an estate plan into place, regardless of the size or value of an estate, than it is for grieving family members to deal with courts and businesses afterwards. The unexpected death of a beloved parent is difficult enough for family members. However, when... Continue reading
There is bad news for scammers who seek to take advantage of the elderly in the Volunteer State. A new elder financial abuse and fraud bill is going to make penalties tougher. New legislation against elder financial abuse has grabbed the spotlight in Tennessee’s 111th General Assembly, when a bill... Continue reading
This is the kind of family situation that no one should have to deal with. However, siblings don’t always treat each other with kindness, especially when a parent has died and the other sibling has not been directly involved with caregiving. Many times, estate planning attorneys can read between the... Continue reading
Anyone facing a serious illness needs to take some time to prepare their estate planning documents. It is never too early for this task to be completed. It’s not just in case of a terminal illness, but if incapacity strikes, even temporarily. If you’ve faced a serious illness, like cancer,... Continue reading
In different states, different rules apply. That is why a local estate planning attorney is the best resource for these kinds of questions. Here’s a somewhat complicated scenario, but one that is not uncommon today. A man marries three times. Two children are born to his first wife, he next... Continue reading
Now that they are parents, homeowners and mortgage-holders, older millennials are starting to put their stamp on financial services, and that includes buying life insurance online. The saying that nothing is certain but death and taxes remains true, no matter how the tax laws change. Surprisingly, while we all know... Continue reading
A will signed by guitarist Oli Herbert one week before his death has drawn police attention, both for the nature of his death and the will itself. A car dealership is not the place most people think of when they imagine themselves signing a will. However,that’s where All That Remains... Continue reading
With a decision by the court that he did have the mental capacity to amend his trust in 2015 and 2016, along with certain settlements, the very ugly public battle over the 95-year old media mogul has ended. The court’s decision came two weeks after Sumner Redstone and several members... Continue reading
The Queen of Soul died without putting a will or an estate plan in place. Things are now starting to get ugly. There’s a police investigation and a dispute between the estate and her ex-husband, the father of one of her four sons. Processing the estate of Aretha Franklin is... Continue reading
The first rule of Medicare is that it does not pay for everything. The next rule: you have to do your homework. Don’t be swayed by strong sales pitches. Switching to Medicare from a traditional employer’s health insurance plan can be a little unnerving at first. There are things that... Continue reading
Out-of-date beneficiary designations could completely undo your entire estate plan. It happens often since people often neglect these ‘fine print’ details. We hope that you have a will to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes after you pass. However, if you are like most Americans, many... Continue reading
If your will does not address this issue, then your state’s laws will be applied. Estate planning attorneys deal with unexpected issues all of the time, and by their nature, some of them involve sensitive and sad topics. A recent article in The Carroll County Times addressed the question of... Continue reading
A civil law that has been in place since 1939 is rarely used, but as the cost of long-term care and nursing facilities keeps rising, some experts think it might get dusted off. South Dakota is one of 29 states that have an adult child payment requirement, commonly known as... Continue reading
The rules are strict and mistakes can be costly. Inheriting an IRA is not like inheriting any other asset. You’ll need to be very careful to follow the rules. Usually the parent is the beneficiary and the children (or grandchildren) are the successor beneficiaries. Here’s how it works, as described... Continue reading
There are a number of different estate planning documents that are easily confused, including “Power of Attorney.” Let’s get a look at the different types of “Power of Attorney,” and what they do. Of the estate planning documents, most people have heard of a will and some have a health... Continue reading
If you need to be convinced that estate planning is not just for the wealthy, here’s something to consider. Without a will, the state makes the decisions about who receives your assets when you die and who raises your child. With no medical directive in place, your loved ones won’t... Continue reading
You’ve been making deposits in these retirement accounts for years, if not decades. But do you really understand how they save you money in taxes? Most of us are very responsible about making our regular contributions to 401(k), 403(b) or IRAs, but when it comes to really knowing why this... Continue reading
Sharing values and family histories to younger generations is something that takes place over the course of a lifetime. However, it can also be put into an ethical will to create a more cohesive message. For centuries, people have used ethical wills or legacy letters to share the values and... Continue reading
It’s great to take a trip home and catch up with family, especially when you live far away. However, if this is the year that you arrive to find big changes in your aging parents, here’s some help about what your next steps might be. When nostalgia doesn’t quite match... Continue reading
The typical example is an ex-spouse getting all your retirement savings. However, what if you have a child with an opioid addition, you die, and he or she inherits hundreds of thousands of dollars—that vanish in less than a year? The assets that you own can be passed to your... Continue reading