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Julian Arato
Recent Activity
ISDS Reform: From the Forest to the Trees of an Appellate Mechanism
Last weeks’ 40th Session marked a first real shift from the forest to the trees. The Working Group turned to far more specific reports by the Secretariat focused on designing an appellate mechanism (per a longstanding compromise dividing time equally between designing permanent institutions and other building blocks for reform, see here). The Working Group engaged with specific text-based reform options on (iv) the design of an appellate mechanism (here); and on (vi) selection and appointment in relation to the appellate mechanism or MIC. Delegations were also invited to submit written comments on these texts, which were published in advance of the session. These materials were complimented by three concept papers by the Academic Forum on ISDS Reform on selection and appointment. Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2021 at International Economic Law and Policy Blog
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Apr 10, 2018
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