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Melody Alisa Gwenllian Annabel
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Thank you for this entry!
Toggle Commented May 11, 2019 on Name of the Week: Ismay at British Baby Names
Thanks Elea & Nicole for this entry.
Toggle Commented May 4, 2019 on Name of the Week: Remy at British Baby Names
I wonder if regional favorites are inspired by close circle of friends/ family, due to (presumed) low birth counts in particular regions.
other male names, if you need them: Robin/Robert, Amaury, Ansel, Percy, Cornelius, Hart, Ludwig, Roland, Storm...
Can you try to decipher origins of Ismay next, please?
The new post! Interesting read, as always.
Toggle Commented Apr 7, 2019 on Name of the Week: Monty at British Baby Names
Obviously Juliet nn Jetty, Violet nn Lettie & Elizabeth nn Betty
Not caring about Rose & other forms.
Toggle Commented Jan 14, 2019 on Name of the Week: Rose at British Baby Names
I'm partial to Rosalie, Rosina, Rosamund & Rosabelle/Rosabella.
Toggle Commented Jan 14, 2019 on Name of the Week: Rose at British Baby Names
Awesome, thanks for sharing!
Love Sophie Elizabeth, Romelia & Alaia!
I'm also glad you're back!
Toggle Commented Dec 16, 2018 on Name of the Week: Cora at British Baby Names
Cora & Corinna are wonderful names. Cora has such lovely meaning in Greek, but here it means (Kora spelling) bark, crust (of bread), peel (of apple or other fruit), etc...
Toggle Commented Dec 16, 2018 on Name of the Week: Cora at British Baby Names
Love Ottilie Winifred, Arthur Peter William & his sisters's names & Edward Francis... Hope for new post!
I agree, it's lovely sibset! I'm especially partial to Marina Frances April
Very lovely name!
Toggle Commented Dec 1, 2018 on Name of the Week: Lyra at British Baby Names
Loving Spencer, Velvet, Cecily, Beatrice, Astrid...
Hope I didn't offend anyone, I usually love unusual and historic names, but some combos/sibsets are most unfortunate.
Toggle Commented Nov 7, 2018 on Sibling Spotlight for Otis at British Baby Names
Loving: Olivia Louise Skye Joshua Oliver lovely list
I find most of the names awful. Some are nice/OK and Otis itself is OK name. Is there any chance you do sibling spotlight for Percy?
Toggle Commented Nov 7, 2018 on Sibling Spotlight for Otis at British Baby Names
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Apr 11, 2018