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Kellsey Johannes
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How about as a source of clean water post-fuel cell use as well? seems to me that waste or sea water could be fed into these electrolysers along with renewable energy and then run through fuel cells for on demand power with the "exhaust" water cleaned up for consumption. At 82% efficiency on the splitting side and ~70% efficiency on the fuel cell side you're still above 50% for your renewable power-on-demand plus you've saved yourself the energy needed for de-salinization of the clean water which in a lot of markets is about to become the most valuable commodity.
thyssenkrupp offering large-scale water electrolysis
thyssenkrupp recently introduced industrial-scale water electrolysis for large projects. By splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen, this technology delivers “green” hydrogen, a clean, CO2-free energy carrier. The only inputs needed are water and renewable electricity from wind, hydro power or ...
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Jul 27, 2018
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