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Yifan Xie
Recent Activity
yotta game studio Mafia City H5 was created by Dimitry Davidoff in 1986 and has since turned into one of the greatest party games ever.
HYPE expands hydrogen fuel cell taxi fleet to 100
In July, France-based HYPE, the world’s first taxi company operating exclusively with hydrogen vehicles, took delivery of 25 Toyota Mirai Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles. After almost 3 years of operation this delivery takes HYPE’s fleet to 100 vehicles. More than 6000 Mirai are currentl...
Worldwide connection,no color, language or nationality differences and together compete to become the Godfather. mafia city, play now!
Scenario study suggests increased vehicle electrification in Europe increases demand for gas in power sector; limited ability for power-to-gas
A study published by the Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE) has explored the possible impact of increased electrification of road transportation and domestic heating and cooking on the energy system (electricity and gas), as well as on CO2 emissions and on GDP. The study is based on a set of...
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Aug 24, 2018
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