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Sweet Blossom Life
Adventures of a Catholic homeschooling family in rural Virginia.
Recent Activity
Barium Swallow Test
So, as is usual I disappeared for 4 weeks and forgot to update here. I promised an update after my Barrium Swallow test so here it is. First off, I had to go to a hospital in the city because our local hospital didn't have equipment that could work with... Continue reading
Posted Mar 13, 2019 at Meandering through Midlife
Health issues
It's late afternoon and my kids are happily painting at the kitchen table. They could easily paint for hours so I am enjoying a nice hot bath. What better time to write a much overdue blog post! From my bathtub. As all great writers do, right? Sitting on my front... Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2019 at Meandering through Midlife
Baby step towards getting healthier: Get a physical!
I took my first step towards a healthier lifestyle today and visited my doctor to get a physical, Pap test, and bloodwork. There's nothing like getting publically weighed and then having to sit barely covered by a hospital gown while discussing all your aches, pains, and personal issues with a... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2018 at Meandering through Midlife
Meandering through midlife
Recently it hit me that I am most definitely middle aged. It was a small shock because in many ways I still feel about 28 or 30. However I am actually 46 at the writing of this post and considering most of my family hasn't lived much past 75, I... Continue reading
Posted Dec 30, 2018 at Meandering through Midlife
~ Blessings, Nora
Hi! I'm Nora Maeve. I'm 8 and I like to do art and...
Hi! I'm Nora Maeve. I'm 8 and I like to do art and be creative. I'm a homeschooler and I spend my days with my family, especially my little brother. Welcome to my blog! I will be posting art that I make, pictures I take, and stories about my life. Sometimes I might post stories that I write. ...
Hi! I'm Nora Maeve. I'm 8 and I like to do art and...
Hi! I'm Nora Maeve. I'm 8 and I like to do art and be creative. I'm a homeschooler and I spend my days with my family, especially my little brother. Welcome to my blog! I will be posting art that I make, pictures I take, and stories about my life.... Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2018 at Nora Maeve, the Blue Moon Girl
Welcome to our World!
After relocating to Virginia in 2008 (yes, my husband and I are "come here's" as locals call new people) and having our two beautiful children, we began to look around and think about how we wanted to raise our little family. A few years of RV living followed as we... Continue reading
Posted Aug 27, 2018 at Sweet Blossom Life & Homeschool
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Aug 27, 2018
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