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Ubi Bot
Recent Activity
Thanks for sharing the post. Its useful information for many people. The UbiBot Internet of Things Platform is a one-stop solution for all your IoT needs. Manage all your devices from one location. Take advantage of advanced analytics & visualization, dynamic alerts, and secure data storage to maximize the benefits of IoT for your business.
SensorComm Technologies to conduct IoT pilot program monitoring real-time vehicle emissions in Coachella Valley
SensorComm Technologies received an award through the CASCADE Innovation Program, managed by Coachella Valley Economic Partnership (“CVEP”), to conduct an Internet of Things-based (IoT) emissions monitoring pilot program within the Coachella Valley in Southern California. SensorComm’s IoT cap...
Thanks for sharing the post. Its useful information for many people. UbiBot provides a revolutionary way to monitor environmental conditions where they matter. The sensors synchronise with our UbiBot Internet of Things Platform using WiFi.
New sensor tech for commercial Lithium-ion batteries could support >5x faster charging without compromising safety
Researchers at WMG at the University of Warwick (UK) have developed a method to assess the maximum current for commercial 18650 Li-ion batteries, using novel instrumentation methods enabling in operando measurements. In an open-access paper in the journal Electrochimica Acta, they reported tha...
The IoT Is set to revolutionize supply chain management. In market sectors running the gamut from agriculture to manufacturing, every step in the production and transit process presents challenges that can make or break a supply chain. Explore to know ore about IoT products and services @
The Future of IoT in the Supply Chain: It’s Complicated
By, Kristi Montgomery, VP of Innovation, Kenco Logistics. Part I of III Constant connectivity; real-time insights; the ability to interact immediately and automatically with remote technology; the promise of IoT is disrupting all industries – and it seems like the future is bright. According to ...
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Sep 9, 2018
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