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Jamey J. Johnson
Minneapolis, Minnesota
I empower and coach people in their emotional, spiritual, and leadership development.
Interests: I'm a passionate leader, who believes in the purpose and potential of people.I truly love to empower and coach people in their potential to dream, in their emotional health, and leadership development. I'm a native of Minnesota, and married for 21 years to a beautiful and wonderful woman. I an a leader, life-coach, fitness trainer, communicator, and a John C. Maxwell Certified Leadership Coach. Not to mention, a 1980’s Action Movie and Starbucks Geek.
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Esther sent me this to POST for her... Excersise 1: -On the self-awareness scale I'd rate myself a 6. I say 6 because I sometimes dont really know why something bothers me so much or I try to block feelings out. -what stands out to me is that fact that many people arent aware of how things affect them and why and also that a lot of people dont understand how important it is to know those reasons. Excersise 2: -i would rate myself an 8 on the other aelf-awareness scale. I say 8 because I'm pretty good at reading body language and reading between the lines. I can even tell by how someone's tone, look, etc means about how they feel at the moment.I may not call it out or voice ut but I can see or sense it. -i feel that it's very important to be able to read people cause for me tho usually dictates how I treat that person. For example If I read someone's body language and it seems that they're not interested in the conversation, then I'm gonna withdraw myself and not waste my time. Simple as that 🤷🏽‍♀️. Excersise 3: -for emotional managing emotional reactions I would give myself a 5. I say this because I think I need to learn how to be more proactive than reactive. I'm usually very reactive but it's all in my head. Then if you ask me what's wrong I'll never open up and express how I feel. I'll probably ignore the person who directly offended me or try to change the subject by saying I'm fine. I need to learn to be better with confronting people with how I feel and learn not to be so in my head about things. Also I'm a processor. So whenever something happens to me good or bad I need time to process it. The sme goes for education. When I learn something new in class I need to take more time after class to go over what I've learned and make sure I'm understanding the concept. -what stands out to me about managing my reactions is that it takes more effort than most people think. Like say you had an impulse to punch someone in the face. That takes more maturity and self control over ones reactive mind than others like the say. That's why i think being proactive about situations rather than being reactive is so important to practice because it'll help me slow down and think about what I need to say and help me in the long run not internalize my feelings. Excersise 4: -where I would rate myself on the choosing your mood scale is probably a 5 as well. I say this because I'm good at being happy and staying the way. But when I'm down, I'm down and it's hard to get me back up. When I or someone else gets in my head it's hard for me to shake what's been said. I need to learn that one thing that someone says about me shouldn't and doesn't determine me or the mood i have for the day. At the end of the day the statement did is probably irrelevant to me and if I know myself than why should I be mad in the first place? -what sticks out to me most about choosing my mood is that just like emotional reactions this is also something that people dont realize needs to be mastered. It doesn't happen over night either. It takes practice and patience to realize that your mood isnt you and it shouldn't become you. It's not "just the way you are". It's just how you feel at the time. - From Esther
Thanks for your honesty and reflection Kennedy!
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Sep 22, 2018