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Malachi Gruenhagen
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I am very confused by this. The article cited from the White House Press Secretary is a presidential paper. APA states that legal citations should use Bluebook citation. Presidential memoranda is a type of presidential paper. Bluebook has an entirely different citation method for presidential papers. What is the proper APA citation for presidential memorandum such as this one:
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How to Cite a Press Release in APA Style
by Chelsea Lee When you’re researching a cutting-edge topic, there are few sources of information more of the moment than press releases. Citing them in APA Style is very simple. As for any reference list entry, the four elements you’ll need are the author, the date, the title (with a descript...
I would have to agree with David. Websites (even ones much more stable than Wikipedia) frequently change resulting in dead links. Have you ever tried clicking on a link to an old news article (sometime those links end up dead after just a couple years)? I think that the APA’s decision not to require reterival dates was poorly thought through (although perhaps articles with DOIs shouldn’t need retrieval dates).
When to Include Retrieval Dates for Online Sources
By David Becker We’ve all had that experience when a dog or a child walks up to you holding something dangerous, disgusting, or some other d-word that you absolutely do not want in the house. What’s the one question we’ve all asked in that situation? “Where did you get that?” If it’s someth...
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Sep 23, 2018
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