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Angie McKenzie
Recent Activity
Such a lovely card, Colleen! I adore daisies and gingham! Thanks for the inspiration. :)
Kylie's Demonstrator Training Blog Hop-July 2019
Welcome to our blog hop today! Be sure to grab your favourite beverage and then sit back and enjoy all the fabulous creations from all over the world on our blog hop. I am a Stampin' Up! demonstrator in Canada in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan-thanks so much for stopping by. I cannot stop creating w...
Loved the additional touch with the edgelits that you made to the first card, Chris! It was the perfect touch to go with the flannel panel. And the stitching that you added to the edges of the banner for the MOJO card was a detail that I loved. Thanks for the inspiration. :)
Encouragement: Kylie's January Top 10 Winners International Blog hop
Happy Monday everyone! It's a blog hopping day with Kylie Bertucci's International Blog Highlight's Top Ten Winners. I want to give an extra big thank you to everyone who voted for my Wonderful Romance vellum card. It was enough to earn me a spot among a talented group of stampers. Grab a cup...
Angie McKenzie is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 9, 2018
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